In Genius Hour # 2 I had a huge variety of choices. Our teacher said that this project did not need to effect the world leading to my creativity to control over me. I was always interested in how editors made mash up videos of certain soccer players such as cristiano ronaldo, lionel messi, and many more. So for my genius hour I decided to make a mashup video of my favorite player(s) as a new learning experience.

I chose this genius hour project because I always had an interest of how people create a highlight video for someone. Thinking that one day maybe someone could make one for me. And in general, soccer is a topic that I like and interets me naturally and to make a video about is fun and amusing to me.

In this Genius project I learned a lot of interesting facts and advice from profesionals,and even university professors. 1 thing that I learned from editing a mashup is that editing is a slow process and that you cant rush through editing. You need a silent area and you need to make sure there is no distractions around, concentration is key. 2ncd main thing I learned was that you always need to give credit. As an editor you need to make sure that everybody is given credit or else it seems that people and music and objects have been created by you and that you have total ownership over them. And last but least is that while showing your work to and audience you shouldn’t look at the film, you should be looking at the audiences faces to see what improve in your video. It helps a editor improve as a whole.

How did that help you grow as a person?

This project help me grow as a person because it helped me understand that making a video takes time hard work and dedication. It helps me make a connection that life is not easy you have to make it easy by working hard. And by being able to make that connection for me, helps me grow as a person.

How did what you learn help (the world, community, yourself, animals, etc.) in some way? Explain.

I cant really consider my idea help the world but I can say that being abe to think like I can think right now after making that mashup can help people think more positevely and have a better world.

How will what you learn in the next Genius Hour help the world, community, yourself, animals, etc. in some way? Explain.

I’m not sure of my new genius hour project is going to be but I have some ideas such as a rasing happieness project which I don’t know what it is going to be. But I know if can effect the world because it can prevent wars and negative things happening in our world, because in my oppinion happiness is much more superior than negativeness, Thanks for reading !

Cheikh 🙂



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